Such as that at this new doin in a site ultimate guitar who preach about the annunciation courtney
Is anyone else trying to erase the thought of marrying Courtney Love right now?

Love continued: "I'd have a 16-year-old son and be his model wife. Given the money that is involved here, we could probably have had a f--kin' yacht. We could have gone open marriage at some point. I don't f--kin' know."

So there you have it. Courtney thinks the pair would have one child per failed marriage, one eternally 16-year-old son like some creepy outcast from "Twilight", and the pair would have a yacht which they would amicably share after the continued crumbling and rebuilding of their marriages.
courtney they said in an online media.

The author of a biography of kurt cobain and one of the founders of the band hole,the book was titled Letters To Kurt Who has published 8 april yesterday. the book consists of 52-chapter erics said
" It just wasn't feeling right to write a memoir-style book, and this one just came out of me a couple years ago, " Erlandson said in an interview with The Times. " It felt like the right way to go, but at the same time, I had a lot of hesitation. At some point, it just started to click, and I started to honor it. "
either when this book will be the release in indonesia .

In a site kurt cobain music reported about the rumors about some stuff a song that drafted by kurt which has never been released until now . Meanwhile some online media has been busy talking about it and asking for clarity is right or whether this news.
In a site that 's been said that 
Former guitarist eric erlandson has said in an interview several weeks ago that pentolan nirvana 're doing a solo album in the coming months before her death, he said:
"I heard some talk about somebody putting together some raw, rough acoustic thing... There is stuff that has not been put out."

has been reported also on gathering back Dave (former drummer of NIRVANA) and Christ (former Basist NIRVANA)

Vig recently reunited with Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic and "a secret guest" for the filming of a documentary at Sun City Studios. No word yet on who that guest is, although it’s fairly safe to say that it won’t be Courtney Love.
whether or not this rumor is true then we can conclude, kurt kobain had died about 18 years ago. But he didn't just leave a big name, he also left a number of mystery from his death are still not revealed till now until about songs that have never been ter publish until today

Rock biggest event in indonesia and even in southeastern asia that displays bands of boards upon international 'il be right on target , yes Java Rock In Land 2012.

The event that will be held on december 6 7 , and 8 july it is said will lay bands very amaze , although not yet been published the band anything that would appear , but the public interest ; especially a lover of rock music has been waiting for later event such as this .

Like the previous years they present MR.BIG band which is already legendary band either what else will be on show in the concert music.

For ticket booking can be done online, or directly come to the ticket box available at the front of the event.

In preliminary stages , jrl also opens opportunity to bands rock homeland to lodge application if wish to appear in the event . The trick is to send a profile and song in division program pt . Java festival production , simprug gallery blok a1 , road teuku nyak arief no 10 , Jakarta.

New singer who had long been unfortunate in the way the world's music in particular metal music has released a new album, yes Marilyn Manson was a United States singer-songwriter, recently issued a new album.
This year 2012, and on May 1 he was officially released yesterday Marilyn Manson is releasing their eighth studio album, "Born Villain". The lyrics on the album masuh which was performed in conjunction with the album terdahulunya which tells about the darkness of depression, disappointment, and others. "No Reflection", "Slo-Mo-Tion", "Breaking The Same Old Ground", and the title track "Born Villain". The only song I really dislike is "Pistol Whipped". Marilyn Manson has used shock as a marketing tool, and to enjoy his music I always have to listen to it and pretend I don't know anything about the band itself. either when the album will be released in indonesia.

Royalty picture kurt cobain no longer for courtney This is new news about kurt and courtney. It was published on a media site online Ultimate, on this site explains that courtney lost royalties from pictures of kurt cobain in the publication. as we know, the royalties will be kurt now fell into the hands of courtney, but royalty rights to get tersebuat will soon after, and reportedly will fall to kurt, Frances Bean.
According to, the documents also reveal that Love’s threat to sue the makers of "Guitar Hero" over the use of her former husband’s likeness back in 2009 could never have materialised. Love signed off on the use of a Cobain avatar in "Guitar Hero 5", making the Nirvana frontman’s appearance in the game perfectly legal.

Thomas Jack Black was a United States singer and actor. He became famous for roles in films such as Airborne, Demolition Man, Waterworld, The Neverending Story III, The Cable Guy, Bob Roberts, Mars Attacks!, The Jackal, Bye Bye Love, Jesus ' Son, Dead Man Walking, Saving Silverman, Enemy of the State, and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. He was born in Hermosa Beach, California. He had a career in the world of film and music since 1991.
He's new in interviewed by Peter Travers (of rolling stone Movie Critic), because he wanted to write a song called ' Rock Is Dead '.
His last Rock bands that could change the paradigm Rock and world music industry changing so the switch kemusik Rock is NIRVANA. He concluded the last band Nirvana was tumultuous world and no band which replaced the Nirvana after Kurt Cobain of Nirvana was killed and said to stop.

This is a bit of talking to them 

"I contend that the last band to really have that kind of power, I'm gonna say, was Nirvana," Black adds. "Who since Nirvana has been as big as Nirvana, in that way?"
Black does like some contemporaries rockers, though. "My counterpart Jack White, whatever he does is always worth checking out – and his archnemesis, the Black Keys, are also tremendous," says Black. "The Foo Fighters. I loves me some Foos. But it does get thin after that."

Sound Garden the new album, did have to be on release in October later in the interview how to Rolling Stone, Cornell didn’t seem to have any hesitation while stating: "[The new record]‘s done. It’ll be out in probably October. I would say September but I’m just guessing October. We’re pretty much done with everything."
Lastly, he added that the movie’s soundtrack was a great way to get some attention for the band: "It’s a pretty good way to have a partner in the entertainment business to get your songs out in front of people. The record companies don’t have that any more. They don’t have the money. They don’t have the resources. They can’t do it. They won’t do it. Not gonna happen.

Although many rumors circulated that they had disbanded, but in fact are not, instead they want to fly the alternative rock music by releasing a new album this year

unclear about the material content of the songs that are on this new album, sound garden will give surprises on music lovers in the world to be his presence again with his new album.

Program sistem merupakan program yang membantu eksekusi (general user program) secara efektif pada sebuah sistem untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sistem komputer tersebut. Program sistem adalah program yang membantu eksekusi "general user program" secara efektif pada sistem komputer.
Effektifitasnya,meliputi :
-Penggunaan sistem komputer(pengaruh konfigurasi sistem komputer : main storage, auxiliaries, dsb)
-SDMdalam pengembanganprogram (pengaruh lingkungan komputasi : program development, data processing, real time application, dsb)

Sedangkan Program lainnya merupakan sekumpulan program yang dapat mendukung suatu sistem komputer. Misalnya seorang pemakai komputer (User) utuk mengerjakan suatu tugas, ia harus memakai program aplikasi untuk mengerjakannya.
contohnya: jika user ingin membuat suatu tulisan ia harus memakai sebuah program aplikasi misalkan Ms.Office atau Open Office.

Perbedaan pemrograman sistem dengan aktifitas pemrograman lainnya

Pemrograman sistem merupakan kegiatan merancang dan mengimplementasikan program sistem. Pemrograman sistem biasa menggunakan assembler atau bahasa C untuk memperoleh efisiensi terhadap program sistem yang dibuat. Seorang programmer diharuskan memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup tentang low level programming dan seluk beluk komputer. Pemrograman sistem erat kaitannnya dengan kernel programming dan device driver programming, dan memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang tinggi. Pemrograman selain pemrograman sistem dapat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi seperti java, python, ruby, dsb.

Sistem Operasi untuk komputer dan Mobile

Sistem Operasi untuk komputer:

Termasuk sistem operasi yang paling awal ada untuk komputer. Merupakan induk dari sistem operasi linux.
2. DOS
Sistem operasi yang merupakan cikal bakal dari Microsoft Windows. Ciri khasnya yaitu berupa teks putih dengan latar belakang hitam. Kalau mau mencobanya bisa lewat Start Windows - Run, lalu ketik cmd.
3. Novell Operating Sistem
Dibuat oleh Novell Corporation. Sistem operasi yang dulu pernaha digunakan oleh Fakultas MIPA UGM untuk Entry Key-In KRS mahasiswa.
4. Microsoft Windows
Merupakan sistem operasi yang paling populer. Hampir semua orang pernah memakainya. Beberapa versi Microsoft Windows yang terkenal: Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, Me, XP, Vista, dan yang paling terbaru Windows 7.
5. Apple Machintos
System operasi yang unggul dalam hal grafik. Memerlukan hardware khusus sehingga tidak dapat di-install di computer biasa. Versinya antara lain Mac OS X (Tiger), Leopard.
6. Linux
Pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Linus Torvald. Merupakan sistem operasi open source artinya bisa dikembangkan oleh semua orang dengan bebas. Turunan linux atau yang dikenal dengan distro linux banyak sekali macamnya. Mungkin linux merupakan sistem operasi yang paling banyak. Beberapa di antaranya yaitu: Debian, Suse, Red Hat (Fedora), Slackware, Ubuntu, Backtrack, dan lain-lain
7. Solaris
Dikembangkan oleh Sun Microsystem. Lebih banyak digunakan untuk perusahaan.
8. Free BSD
Dibuat oleh Universitas Berkeley. Hampir sama seperti linux.

Sistem Operasi untuk handphone:
1. Symbian
Sistem operasi yang populer di kalangan para pengguna handphone. Kebanyakan handphone nokia menggunakan symbian sebagai sistem operasi. Versinya antara lain S40, S60, S9
2. Microsoft Windows Mobile
Sistem operasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Microsoft untuk smartphone dan PDA. Tampilannya hampir sama dengan Windows pada komputer.
3. Palm OS
Sistem operasi yang digunakan pada PDA keluaran PALM.
4. Android
Sistem operasi untuk handphone yang akan diluncurkan Google. Android berbasis Linux sehingga termasuk open source

Informasi Umum

Tanggal Mulai Tayang
: 26 MEI 2012
  Death Metal / Metal
- vox 1 : Resttu
- vox 2 : Kamal
- 6string : monang
- 6string : taufik
- 4string : nurdin
- blasting : idung
Perusahaan Rekaman
RAWR Music Studio (indie)
The official Whisper of satan facebook page!
New Dramatical Band From Real Estate"NIGHTMARE HOLIDAY"
Formed in Desember 2011,Whisper Of Satan quickly went to work at producing some of the most blatantly heavy music combining the most furious of death metal, grind, and hardcore all in one unique display of power, catchiness, and aggression to be known as "Slamming Gore Groove".
Whisper Of Satan didn't hesitate tearing apart their home city of Bekasi and recieved good response. Ultra-violence amon...Lihat Selengkapnya
Lokasi Sekarang
Pondok Hijau,Bekasi
Manajer Umum
Intan Lestari

 Metode Rancangan Kerja

Perancangan tempat kerja pada dasarnya merupakan suatu aplikasi data anthropomethri,tetapi masih memerlukan dimensi fungsional yang tidak terdapat pada data statis.dimensi-dimensi tersebut lebih baik diperoleh dengan cara pengukuran langsung dari pada data statis.
Dalam langkah perancangan kerja suatu system produksi,maka salah satu tugas pokok yang harus dilaksanakan adalah menetapkan secara rinci dan spesifik langkah-langkah operasional dalam proses transformasi input menjadi finished goods output yang dikehendaki.
Perencanaan kerja (work design) berujuan untuk menentukan metoda terbaik dalam melaksanakan operasi-operasi kerja yang diperlukan dalam proses produksi. Secara garis besar,maksud dan tujuan melakukan perancangan kerja adalah untu meningkatkan produktivitas dan performans kerja dari seluruh system produksi yang dicapai melalui:
1.Pengembangan tata cara kerja (work methods) lebih efektif dan efisien terutama ditujukan untuk aktifitas operasional yang diperlukan dalam proses produksi. Disisi lain tentu saja harus dihindari aktivitas operasional yang tidak bermanfaat,non produktif ataupun tidak terkait langsung dengan pemberian nilai tambah.
2.Pengaturan kondisi lingkungan kerja yang lebih ergonomis sehingga mampu membersihkan kenyamanan dalam arti fisik maupun social psikologis.
3.Pemanfaatan dan pendayagunaan secara maksimal semua potensi sumber daya manusia secara terorganisir melalui analisis jabatan secara tepat. Disini harus ada kesesuaian kemampuan dan pengalaman seseorang dengan spesifikasi dan persyaratan jabatan yang menjadi landasan keberhasilan pelaksanaan aktivitas-aktivitas operasional nantinya.

Langkah perancangan kerja biasanya dilaksanakan melalui dua tahap yaitu :
Langkah studi dan analisis tata cara kerja (methods study atau job design),dan
Langkah pengukuran kerja (work measurement atau time study).

Dalam studi mengenai tata cara kerja,disini aktivitas-aktivitas operasional yang diperlukan akan. dianalisa secara seksama untuk menentukan secara lebih detail lagi komponen tugas-tugasnya. Proses analisis tugas-tugas ini akan melihat bagaimana pola hubungan kerja antara manusia mesin,lingkungan fisik kerja dalam sebuah stasiun kerja yang mau,serta mampu meningkatkan efektifitas maupun efisiensi kerja.seberapa jauh tata cara kerja yang sudah dirancang baik dan seberapa banyak upaya perbaikan sudah dicapai,maka dalam hal ini memerlukan aktivitas pengukuran kerja (work measurement) dengan langkah maupun tolak ukur .

Adjective or Relative Clauses

Adjective clause is also called the Relative Clause is part of the sentence (clause) that provide information on the person or thing that preceded it. Relative terms similar to Clause Adjective Clause. Called Adjective Clause because he explains things or people that preceded it. Called Relative Clause because he connects (to relate) the object or the person behind the phrase. Relative clause begins with the conjunctive who, whom, Whose, which, that, with the following functions

Who    : describe the person as a subject
Whom : people describe it as an object (to replace me, you, us, him, her,
them, it)
Whose : describe the person as the owner (replacing my, your, our, his, her, Their,
Which  : describes the object as subject and object

That explains a person or thing as either subject or object
Tricks that can be used to solve a problem as follows:
  1.  If the word before the points are showing a human, and after the points are verbs or auxiliary verbs like to be or modals, or auxiliary 'do' (is, is not, do, do, will, won 't, can, can not, was, was not, etc.), then the contents of the dots is who.
  1.  If the word before the points are showing a human, or humans is followed by a preposition like with, to, by, from, etc. and after the points are the subject (noun, the name of the person, or pronouns: I, you, we she , he, it, etc.), then the contents of the dots is whom.
  1.  If the word before the dots are showing people, or animals, and said after the dots is a noun, then the contents of those points is Whose.
  1.  If the dots before the word is a noun that indicates non-human, then the contents of the points is which.
Thus the answers to the questions above are: 1. who, 2. whom, 3. Whose, and 4. which, 5. Whom.
Example :
  1. Fast food, which most people love, is not very healthy.
  2. Students who are keen to learn get good grades.
  3. You know someone whose grandfather served in World War II.
  4. My father and me waiting all night outside the Apple store are trying to purchase a new iPhone.
  5. Fruit that is grown organically is expensive.

Example a part of article containing the adjective clause (underline) :

Computers and Education in America
Computers do allow students to expand their learning beyond the classroom, but the distance learning is not a utopia. Some businesses, such as Hewlett Packard, do have mentoring programs with children in the schools, but those mentoring programs are not available to all students. Distance learning has always been a dream of administrators, eager to figure out a cheaper way to deliver education. They think that little Eva and Johnny are going to learn about Japanese culture or science or algebra in the evening when they could be talking with their friends on the phone or watching television. As education critic Neil Postman points out, these administrators are not imagining a new technology but a new kind of child: "In [the administrator's] vision, there is a confident and typical sense of unreality. Little Eva can't sleep, so she decides to learn a little algebra? Where does little Eva come from? Mars?" Only students from some distant planet would prefer to stick their nose in a computer rather than watch TV or go to school and be with their friends.
Their short attention spans, their unwillingness to explore subjects in depth, their poor reading and evaluation skills. Computers also tend to isolate students, to turn them into computer geeks who think cyberspace is actually real. Some students have found they have a serious and addictive case of "Webaholism," where they spend hours and hours on the computer at the expense of their family and friends. Unfortunately, computers tend to separate, not socialize students. Finally, we need to think about who has the most to gain or lose from computers in the schools. Are administrators getting more students "taught" for less money? Are big companies training a force of computer worker bees to run their businesses? Will corporate CEO's use technology to isolate and control their employees?
Like all cults, this one has the intention of enlisting mindless allegiance and acquiescence. People who have no clear idea of what they mean by information or why they should want so much of it are nonetheless prepared to believe that we live in an Information Age, which makes every computer around us what the relics of the True Cross were in the Age of Faith: emblems of salvation.
--Dudley Erskine Devlin--

Questions and Answers of the excercises :
1.  I talked to the woman she was sitting next to me
     I talked to the woman who was sitting next to me 
 2. I have a class it begins at 08.00 Am
     I have a class which begins at 08.00 Am
3. The man called the police his car was stolen
    The man whose car was stolen called the police
4. The building is very old he lives there
    The building where he lives is very old
5. The woman was ms Silvy I saw her
    The woman whom I saw was ms Silvy

Sumber :

Active Form

In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. Most sentences are active.

[Thing doing action] + [verb] + [thing receiving action].

Passive Form

In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.

[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action].

The pattern of active and passive voice in every tense.

a. If the active voice in simple present tense, then 'be' passive voice it is is, am or are.

Example :

  • Active : He meets them everyday.
  • Passive : They are met by him everyday.
  • Active : She waters this plant every two days.
  • Passive : This plant is watered by her every two days.

b. If the active voice in the simple past tense, then 'be' passive voice it is was or were

Example :

  • Active : He met them yesterday
  • Passive : They were met by him yesterday
  • Active : She watered this plant this morning
  • Passive : This plant was watered by her this morning

c. If the active voice in the present perfect tense, the 'be' passive voice it is been placed after the auxiliary has or have, thus becoming 'has been' or 'have been'.

Example :

  • Active : He has met them
  • Passive : They have been met by him
  • Active : She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.
  • Passive : This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.

d. If the active voice in the past perfect tense, the 'be' passive voice it is been placed after the auxiliary had, so it had been.

Example :

  • Active : He had met them before I came.
  • Passive : They had been met by him before I came.
  • Active : She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
  • Passive : This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here

e. if the active voice in the simple future tense, then 'be' passive voice of his is yet.

Example :

  • Active : He will meet them tomorrow.
  • Passive : They will be met by him tomorrow.
  • Active : She will water this plant this afternoon.
  • Passive : This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.
  • Active : The farmers are going to harvest the crops next week
  • Passive : The crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week.

f. If the active voice in the future perfect tense, the 'be' passive voice it is been placed after the auxiliary will have, so it becomes 'will have been'.

Example :

  • Active : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.
  • Passive : They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.
  • Active : She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.
  • Passive : This plant will have been watered by her before I get here this afternoon.

g. If the active voice in the future past perfect tense, the 'be' passive voice it is been placed after the auxiliary would have, so it becomes 'would have been'.

Example :

  • Active : He would have met them.
  • Passive : They would have been met by him.
  • Active : She would have watered this plant.
  • Passive : This plant would have been watered by her.

h. If the active voice in present continuous tense, the 'be' passive voice is (is, am or are) + being.

Example :

  • Active : He is meeting them now.
  • Passive : They are being met by him now.
  • Active : She is watering this plant now.
  • Passive : This plant is being watered by her now.

i. If the active voice in the past continuous tense, the 'be' passive voice is (was or were) + being.

Example :

  • Active : He was meeting them.
  • Passive : They were being met by him.
  • Active : She was watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant was being watered by her.

j. If the active voice in perfect continuous tense, the 'be' passive voice is (has / have) been + being.

Example :

  • Active : He has been meeting them.
  • Passive : They have been being met by him.
  • Active : She has been watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant has been being watered by her.

k. If the active voice in the past perfect continuous tense, the 'be' passive voice it was had been + being.

Example :

  • Active : He had been meeting them.
  • Passive : They had been being met by him.
  • Active : She had been watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant had been being watered by her.

l. If the active voice in the future continuous tense, the 'be' passive voice it is will be + being.

Example :

  • Active : He will be meeting them.
  • Passive : They will be being met by him.
  • Active : She will be watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant will be being watered by her.

m. If the active voice in the future past continuous tense, the 'be' passive voice it is would be + being.

Example :

  • Active : He would be meeting them.
  • Passive : They would be being met by him.
  • Active : She would be watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant would be being watered by her.

n. If the active voice in the future perfect continuous tense, the 'be' passive voice it is will have been + being.

Example :

  • Active : He will have been meeting them.
  • Passive : They will have been being met by him.
  • Active : She will have been watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant will have been being watered by her.

o. If the active voice in the future past perfect continuous tense, the 'be' is the passive voice of his would have been + being.

Example :

  • Active : He would be meeting them.
  • Passive : They would be being met by him.
  • Active : She would be watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant would be being watered by her.

Example Article Passive Sentences

For most modern airports, the major design problem is scale how to allow adequate space on the ground for maneuvering wide body jets while permitting convenient and apid movement of passengers departing, arriving, or transferring from one flight to another.

Most designs for airport terminals take one of four approaches. In the linear plan, the building may be straight o curved. The passengers board aircraft parked next to the terminal. This plan works well for small airports that need to provide boarding areas for only a few aircraft at a time.

In the pier plan, narrow corridors or piers extend from a central building. This plan allows many aircraft o park next to the building. However, it creates long walking distance for passengers.

In the satellite plan, passengers board aircraft small terminals that are separated from the main terminals. Passengers reach the satellite by way of shuttle trains or underground passengers ways that have shuttle trains or moving sidewalks.

The transporter plan employs some system of transport to move passengers from the terminal building to the aircraft. If buses are used, the passengers must climb a flight of stairs to board the aircraft. If mobile lounges are used, they can link up directly with the aircraft and protect passengers from the weather.

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