Thomas Jack Black was a United States singer and actor. He became famous for roles in films such as Airborne, Demolition Man, Waterworld, The Neverending Story III, The Cable Guy, Bob Roberts, Mars Attacks!, The Jackal, Bye Bye Love, Jesus ' Son, Dead Man Walking, Saving Silverman, Enemy of the State, and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. He was born in Hermosa Beach, California. He had a career in the world of film and music since 1991.
He's new in interviewed by Peter Travers (of rolling stone Movie Critic), because he wanted to write a song called ' Rock Is Dead '.
His last Rock bands that could change the paradigm Rock and world music industry changing so the switch kemusik Rock is NIRVANA. He concluded the last band Nirvana was tumultuous world and no band which replaced the Nirvana after Kurt Cobain of Nirvana was killed and said to stop.

This is a bit of talking to them 

"I contend that the last band to really have that kind of power, I'm gonna say, was Nirvana," Black adds. "Who since Nirvana has been as big as Nirvana, in that way?"
Black does like some contemporaries rockers, though. "My counterpart Jack White, whatever he does is always worth checking out – and his archnemesis, the Black Keys, are also tremendous," says Black. "The Foo Fighters. I loves me some Foos. But it does get thin after that."

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